4 jeeooorrrbs that I've had in my life:
Yeah, I'm gonna go for the job that I am currently doing: Cleaning the Church on Fridays
I guess that feeding cats on a semi-regular basis constitutes as a job
6 movies that I could watch over and over:
The Hunt for Red October
Jerimiah Johnson
The Music Man
Kuzcooooooooo (that's his name)
I don't really know if I could stand Mark Hamill over and over again, but the thought
of any Star Wars movie should be in there
Alex and Emma
4 places that I've lived:
Blanca, Colorado (I was born there and lived there for a year and a halfish)
Worthing, South Dakota (six yearsish)
Anderson, California (eight yearsish)
Pahrump, Nevada (what must be at least fifty years)
4 tv shows that I love to watch:
Whose Line is it Anyway?
The Fairly Odd Parents
The Dick Van Dyke Show
4 places that I've been on vacation:
Four Faces (although I was relatively young)
The Northern Coast of California
San Diego
The Grand Canyon
4 websites that I visit daily(ish):
For my forth (you can scold me if you wish) I'll just put blogs 'cause those three
are it and then not much else
4 of my favorite foods:
Way up there, high above all else: Leftover Pizza
Baked Potatoes with bacon bits and butter
Astro Pops, the best popsicle in the world
I do love my sweet cherry peppers
4 places that I'd rather right now:
Skiing (I don't mean to be a copy-cat but that sure comes to mind)
On the coast
With all my family
Certainly not at Olive Garden
Some of my friends called (and still do to my knowledge) the game of tag, chase. So I'm going to chase the two who never check blogs or post but are both due for their two month check up: Ben and Jay. I hope you enjoyed my ridiculous post.