Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Concerning Hobbits?

I didn't really know what to title this post. Oh well.
Not a ton has happened since my last post in the school department. I've read my Bible quite a bit, I've written some papers, I took a few quizzes, and did some more reading. I haven't gotten any of my grades from my quizzes back yet, but I'm hoping to know how I did tomorrow.
I went home for the Fortieth Anniversary of Pahrump Community Church last weekend. We had a fun time even though Dad and Mom weren't at home very much. When I say we, I mean that, (as you know from Brenda's blog,) Zachary, Brenda, and Emily swung by to see us on their trip back home. I don't really even know who I'm writing this for, since the only person who might not know what's been going on would be Uncle Randy. I suppose you'd better be taking notes then? Hmm. I got to see Granddad and Grandmom since they came up for the celebration as well. We had a good time.
Another highlight of this past weekend is the fact that I got The Force Unleashed for my Wii! It is all that you ever dreamed it would be and more. Don't take my word for it, go and buy it for yourself! All you need is a Wii, a PS2, a PS3, a PSP, an Xbox 360, a Ds, or an iPhone and you can play it! I guess it didn't get as good of a rating as many thought that it would, but, from the three levels that I played before I had to return to college, thought that it was great. Yes, I had a picture, but it stopped displaying. Sorry.

It was good to see all of you this last weekend, not discounting in any way Dad, Mom, and Lauri, and I'll see you next post.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Another week o' School

Yes, I had another week of school. It went pretty well all things considered. I had a few quizzes. The one that I took in Pentateuch and Former Prophets I did very poorly on. I think that there were only a few guys who did well on it. Most were in the same boat that I was. Oh well. I haven't done my homework for today yet. Why, you ask?
Yes, it was everything you ever thought it would be. By that I mean somewhat lame, cheesy, and strange. But it was Star Wars!!! After Episode II, anything could have been good. I enjoyed it. I don't really know if I would recommend it to anyone while it is still in theaters, but I thought that it was pretty good.
Rick Warren came to chapel on Wednesday to speak. There's this thing called "Live with Purpose, 40 Day Journey" that he urged us to do. It's some sort of devotional/Bible study/outreach thing. I signed up.
I don't really know what I'm going to do this evening. I might go do something, but then again I might do something else. You just never know.
Here's a picture from my phone because I'm too lazy to take a real picture.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Classes and Home

Hello again. I just finished supper at the Alumni Dining Commons and have come back to my room to hang out. I finished classes before lunch and this afternoon I mostly just sat around homeworking. I went to Wal-Mart and that was loads of fun. The moral of that story is: I hate driving in big cities. I think that my time here will make me all the more thankful when I'm a Village Missionary somewhere rural.
My classes are pretty good so far. I have Jesus and the Gospels; English: Composition; and Pentateuch and Former Prophets on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I don't really like English simply because it's all about writing papers but I like the teacher. I don't mind Jesus and the Gospels but the teacher isn't really my favorite. I like both the class and the teacher of Pentateuch and Former Prophets even though it's going to be dang hard because of all the reading and the memorization.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have Introduction to Ministry and Info Systems Essentials. Introduction to ministry is taught by Dr. Dunavant who is the head of the BAT program so that's pretty cool. Info Systems Essentials is taught by a sixty-one year old tall, lanky black guy. He's pretty funny and I think that that course will be profitable.

I did go home this weekend. Whoever says that you won't really miss your family is a liar. I'm glad that I got to do that and spend some time with Katie Ellyn as well. (Hint, hint. Update your blog Katie.) I got some clothes washed and got some stuff to make my room a little more my own.

Here are a few pictures just to spice up the blog a little:
My room upgraded

My hall

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

September the Tooth

I attended the Clash-n-Bowl last night. It was really loud and really crowded. It also had erratically flashing lights all over the place. But did I let that stop me from having the time of my life??!?!? Yep, 'fraid so.
Today we have more schooly stuff that we're to attend. There are some little hour long lectures and we get to choose two of them to attend. Those are at 10:00. Then there's some other stuff this afternoon. No more "FUN" with our FyOCUS group, but there is a scavenger hunt this evening. That should be interesting.
As he was sitting on his bed, Modesete spied my picture on my blog and asked me about it. I showed him photo booth and, after I asked him, he agreed to have his picture up on my blog so that y'all could see what he looked like. Here it is:

That's Modesete in the middle and his friend Desire. (There is an accent mark on the second "e" in his name but I don't know how to do that on blogger. You say it Dez Rey.)
Oh, and I'm the one on the left.
Here is a picture of the baseball game I went to the other night.