Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Untitled Post

Instead of a depressing song, I'll use a cheap way out of naming my post. Well, hows everyone doing today. We got back from Phoenix yesterday. It was great! If I had a good picture of everyone we saw, I'd post it. However, it's hard to get a good picture. Snicker, snicker. We did alot of swimming in the salt water. It was just like the ocean, only warmer. We played a lot of pool. Lauri slaughtered almost everyone. Even though I won a very scant few games, I had a good time. We played some Mario Kart. I lost at that too but it was okay.... What was more than okay was the fact that we got to see Dead Man's Chest!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even though only one other person I talked to said that it was better than the first one, I liked it just as much if not more. Hopefully we'll get to take Mom and Dad to go to see it because they haven't yet. It was a great movie which I plan to see many more times. We did get to spend a day with the Padres while we were down there. For those of you who didn't know, they went to Estes Park Conference because Pop's a VM Board Member. Two more fun things about Phoenix. Numba One: We got to go to Chorale with Granddad and Grandmom and sing. It was really fun and I hope to do it again soon. Numero dos: On our last night there we got to go to Fuddruckers with all of the Phoenix crew. It was delicious and we had a lot of fun. Even though Leigh, Paul, Jay, Kyle, and Lyndsay talked alot about television shows and movies that I haven't seen, particularly Lost, it was fun. I also got to meet Bella for the first time and she was a cute as all of the hype.
On the way home I picked up a Dr. Good Guy. For those of you who don't know, I'm now into collecting fake Dr. Peppers. I already have a Dr. Thunder, a Dr. B from HEB, a Dr. Stripes from a dollar store near Nanny's house, a Dr. Bold from Albertsons, and a Dr. Hytop from Sack and Save. I found this site the other day:
If you see any that you can pick up near you, if you'll buy a can then I'll reimburse you next time I see you. In particular, I saw a Dr. Bash, from Bashas, Dr. Rocket from K-Mart, Dr. Shasta probably up in Northern CA somewhere, I haven't seen Dr. Slice in a while, Dr. Spice from Target (I have yet to find a single can not in a six pack), and Real Dr. (a food for less variety.) Don't feel obligated to pick these up. Unless of course you see the elusive, Mr. Pig from the Piggly Wiggly shops.
Again, I congratulate you for making it through my post. One of these days I'll figure out how to fancify my blog a little more.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Happy Forf of the Lie!

I take back what I said at the beginning of my last post. I don't post very often because I don't have anything exciting. Even this post won't be danged exciting but it should suffice for my purposes. Anyway, our fourth of July activities turned out to be on the second because they remembered a couple of weeks back, the town that is, that some group had reserved the park where the fireworks are set off for the day of the fourth. Pretty on top of things this town eh? The Bar-Be-Que, that's how our church advertised it, was moved to Sunday evening at 6:00. The fireworks didn't start 'until nine and it was 112 degrees outside when we were supposed to be grilling. The crazy lady who thinks that she's in charge of everything and if she's not then everything's going to fall apart, said that we were going to sit in the parking lot. The sun reflecting off the blacktop, the sun beating down on us and all. We did move to a small playground so that we'd be out of the sun but that was too close for me. The fireworks were nice, I guess. We listened to the radio presentation of the fireworks. At 9:20 when they said was going to be the finale a whole bunch of fireworks went up. However, after that round was over, the small fireworks just kept on going. Then, a few minutes later, the announcers said, "This is the finale!" but that wasn't the finale either. So after many rumored finales and I guess one real finale, the fireworks were over. Conclusion: The Disneyland fireworks spoiled me.
For the real fourth of July, we went to see Over the Hedge and we didn't watch any fireworks. Over the Hedge was good. From the previews, it looked like it was going to have it's good parts but rely heavily on distasteful humor. I was pleasantly surprised. It was good and had alot of very funny parts. William Shatner plays in it and so does Eugene Levy. Hey Grandad, you need to rent that movie with William Shatner about the professional paintballers vs. the aliens while we're down there. That looks like a fine piece of filmography right there. I'm very excited to see all of you in Phoenix next week and I'm glad that the ones I won't see, I saw the majority of a couple of weeks ago in Dallas. By the way, for those of you who don't know, the title was inspired by the movie The Little Rascals.