Finally. Well, as you know from three or four other sources, Zachary and Brenda came to visit and we had an awesome time. We did do all of the things that they said on their blog in case for some odd reason their validity was in question. Airsoft guns are really sweet and might be my favorite new sport if they can be classified as one. We got to go to the Mt. Charleston cabins and shoot with them,to Wheeler Pass and shoot them, to the Bellagio and shoot them, well, maybe not there but it would've been fun.

Our family festival went well. It's the Halloween thing without saying Halloween or dressing up and we had games. Thankfully, we did get some Shockers gumballs this year and that was good. Then we all sang as you know. Since everyone left it seems that all I've been doing is Speech and English. That's not really the case but those two seem to be the most stress inducing subjects.
Zachary said that it's a possibility that people are not as likely to comment on mine 'cause it doesn't make sense and or they can't pinpoint a specific thing to comment on. I'll try to work on that at the end of this post.
Yesterday we went on our first High School AWANA outing of the year. It went pretty well, we hiked around on rocks and stuff. Then when we got back this one girl's family apparently forgot about her and went into Vegas even though we said that we'd be back at 3:30. Weird. So she went to Walskees with Mom and Lauri whilst Pop and I went to Hollywood. We rented Over the Hedge and got three used Dvd's (is there an apostrophe?) for fifteen bucks. We got Sahara, The Legend of Zorro (that one is the second one) and Stealth. We haven't seen Stealth yet, is it good? I think it looked a little weird (or wierd is Zachary or Brenda are reading this) but Dad wanted to see it so I'll watch it with him.
Just to recap, we had a great time with Zachary and Brenda and are all stoked about the kid. Singing was good and so was Bop-it. Movies.
Alright. Now for some questions to end my post with so that it will be easier to comment on:
1) Have you seen Over the Hedge and did you like it?
2) Have you seen Stealth and is it weird or good?
3) If they came out with a KOTOR 3, would you buy it?
4) How was church today?
Here's one more picture because I've also been told that pictures enhance my post.