Monday, December 22, 2008

Numbers 22

Balak summons Balaam and Balaam's donkey and the angel.
Only three more days 'til Christmas! We've got all of the family here except for Katie Ellyn, but she'll be here on Thursday. I'll have some pictures on the next post.
I'm going to be here at home until the sixth of January so that should be cool. It's very nice to not have to worry about any reading for Pentateuch. I did pretty well in my classes. I have all of my grades except for Jesus and the Gospels. I hope that I did well in both Jesus and the Gospels.
I'll try to update before the beginning of the new year.
Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Three Things

Not ships, not kings, but things.
1. A very happy birthday to my favorite little sister. Contrary to popular belief due to frightening lack of activity from her blog, she still lives and turns seventeen the Eighth of December. Also congratulations on your new acquisition Lauri.

2. The obligatory statement from good old left field. When I was commenting on Uncle Randy's blog, the word verification word was bacta. Pretty crazy considering that bacta is a real thing. Most should know what it is. At least, I hope at least one of you knows what it is. I suppose there's an extremely small possibility that Uncle Randy knows what it is. The only other who would have a shot would be Lauri. Oh well.

3. I had this idea (be it good or not) on Friday but I decided to wait until Monday would be the first time anyone saw it. Monday is always such a fun day and these days it might be even, dare I say it, funer as a result of the anxiety due to the proximity to Christmas.
I don't really know about y'all, but I get to singing Christmas songs either in Glad style or humming/whistling/doot-dooing in the style of Manheim Steamroller and sometimes miss the words. This struck me as I was thinking about Good Christian Men Rejoice the other day. I can sing maybe the first stanza and trudge my way through the rest, but it's a good reminder in these hectic (at least for me) days before finals and all of the busyness of the Christmas season to remember that we have the most cause for joy of anyone.
Good Christian Men, Rejoice!
With heart and soul and voice!
Heed thee, heed to what we say,
Jesus Christ is born today!
Men and beast before Him bow,
And He is in the manger now,
Christ is born today!
Christ, deity incarnate, the Savior of all men who will reconcile a sinful world to Himself, is born today!
Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like...

Finals time mainly. Well, that's not entirely true. It's also beginning to look a lot like Christmas. We went to see the family in Phoenix for Thanksgiving. I did not take any pictures down there and it appears that our venerable photographer seems to be somewhat slothful of late. I assumed that there would be pictures by now but to no avail.
Anyway, we had fun down there with pool, turkeys, music, dinosaurs, and the like. I guess some of us had fun with football, but I was not among that particular group. I wish that we could have gone to Zoo Lights, but we went back to the house and set up our Christmas decorations instead. There should be some pictures of our house and its decor soon on another blog, i.e. one that has access to the home computer's iPhoto. All in all it was a very fun Thanksgiving break even though it seemed extremely short.
On Sunday I came back and started studying again. I found out that my Pentateuch and Former Prophets professor lied to us. For most it would be an excusable lie since he advertised the test to be more difficult than it actually was, but that doesn't excuse the fact that he lied. I asked him if we would get the previous quiz back before we took this quiz yesterday so that I could see which questions I got wrong and fix them. He told me that I didn't need it back since there would be no repeat questions like there normally are. The quiz yesterday was composed of roughly 90% repeat questions and only a few new questions. I don't really like being lied to. At all. Ever.
On a more positive note, I have decorated the ole dormitorio around these parts.

Ah, 'tis the season to string up half-broken strands of lights.
Happy December the Tooth!

Monday, November 10, 2008

"There is tremendous relief in knowing that his love to me is utterly realistic, based at every point on prior knowledge of the worst about me, so that no discovery now can disillusion him about me, in the way I am so often disillusioned about myself, and quench his determination to bless me... There is... great incentive to worship and love God in the thought that, for some unfathomable reason, he wants me as his friend, and desires to be my friend, and has given his Son to die for me in order to realize this purpose."
Knowing God J.I. Packer

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Master Chief, Toblerone, and Mossflower

A.S. (Ante-Script)
I tried again to fix the pictures. Still no luck on this end. Apparently some of y'all can't see that the pictures are encroaching on the text area. They are on my end and I guess I'll just have to lump it. Sorry.

The title of this post comes from the three things that caught my eye when I looked around the room. I decided that I really like Toblerone. I think that I like it because of its entertainment value. The little chunks in it are fun to eat.
Anyway, it was time for another post. I've been home since I went camping. This last weekend we went shooting with Mr. and Mrs. Duits and that was quite a bit of fun. No camera though, sorry.
I have not gotten back my paper for Jesus and the Gospels which somewhat stinks since the conclusion is due next Monday. Oh well.
Yesterday Mom and Lauri came down since Dad was in Oregon for his business meetings. We had a fun day shopping down in Corona. It was indeed pretty hot. We ate at Chik-fil-a and had Jamba Juice. Good stuff. I bought Master Chief.

Sorry about the picture. I'm too lazy to take a picture with the real camera so I took it with my phone. My NEW phone. I almost forgot to tell you, my faithful readers. My old phone was a piece of junk. My new phone is not. It was a new phone, but it was a not a new model. I'm pretty sure that it was the first razr model. It's pretty nice though. I like it.

Sorry about the disjointed state of my post. I'd like to say that this doesn't reflect the thought processes of my mind, but I'm afraid that that may be deceitful.
Until some time that is hopefully relatively soon,

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Highway Along the Coast

School has been happening lately. Somewhat of a bummer. Right now, I guess I maybe should be writing a paper for my Jesus and the Gospels class, but it's not due until next week and I worked on it earlier. I just wasn't feeling it.
Since my 100th post, I've had a few weekends and much reading. Last weekend, I went home and we went camping! Camping in and of itself is fun, (Zachary), but last weekend was even better because it started snowing on us!!!!
Here's a picture:

Mwa ha ha. Actually, I don't have any pictures from our campout. Y'all are going to have to get Lauri to post on her blog so that we can see some pictures. That would be good.
I also went to Olive Garden and then saw Max Payne. Only, instead of Olive Garden, we went to In-'n'-Out and instead of going to see the movie I went to the college group at the Harvest church with a couple of my other homelies. That was pretty good I suppose. I wasn't that big of a fan of the music though.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull came out on dvd. I bought it, but I've not watched it yet since I'm waiting until I go home and we can all watch it. That will probably be not this next weekend but the weekend after that. I'll try to post again before then.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


I considered, on this memorial occasion, going back to some of my previous posts and remembering the fond times I had therein. I decided that that would be too much work.
Maybe I should explain what I'm talking about. Eleven hundred twenty days ago, my blog was born. That in and of itself is not important. The important thing is, MY BLOG IS 100!!! Huzzah!
I had always figured on doing this for my blog, and I finally get the opportunity to. Hold on to your seats, your in for an exciting ride. Please keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times.
Before I start, however, I'd like to say two things:
1) Sorry for saying that no one else reads my blog Lindsay.
2) I've put pictures at different places throughout my list just to make things a little more exciting.

100 Things about Me:

Since it has been quite a while since Katie Ellyn did her 100 things about me and I don’t really even know if she exists anymore, I figured that I could copy some of her ideas/theories concerning this thing. So here goes:
1. My name is Caleb Aaron which means “Bold and Intrepid”
2. I’m 18
3. I am around 5’8”
4. I love the Lord and desire to please Him with my life
5. I love my family very much
6. I’m not a huge fan of running
7.I can’t touch my toes very well
8. I love the Star Wars saga
9. I own three copies a piece of Episodes IV, V, and VI
10. My favorite book of the Bible is Phillippians
I love reading Star Wars books
I own 105 Star Wars novels and have read 102 of them
My favorite author is Timothy Zahn

I have a book signed by my favorite author
15. I like to read Clive Cussler novels
I greatly enjoy the Indiana Jones movies and I liked the fourth one even though it was a little lame
I was born in Alamosa, Colorado
I have lived in four states: Colorado, South Dakota, California, and Nevada
I like geocaching and have found around three-hundred and fifty of them
20. I love to eat Spam
I love baked potatoes and steak as long as I have bacon bits for my potato
I like to play video games and my favorites are Knights of the Old Republic 1&2 (and maybe The Force Unleashed now)
I own five video game systems: a Wii, an Xbox, a Gamecube, a Playstation, and a Nintendo 64
I own four handheld game systems: a Nintendo DS, a Gameboy Sp, a Gameboy Color, and a Gameboy pocket
25. I don’t mind shopping at Wal-Mart and I love having all my products made in China
I have been home-schooled since the fifth grade
I’m attending CBU to become a pastor with Village Missions
I own a MacBook Pro
I have a Walther P22
30. I have a blog
I collect shot glasses
I have been to the Alamo (I even remember my time there)
I own and am wearing an atomic watch
I wear size 10.5 shoes
35. I love to drink Dr. Pepper
I like Dutch Brothers more than Starbucks
I like to watch Monk

I recently had many cavities so now I brush with Crest Pro-Health toothpaste
I like to read the video game manual before I play the game
40. My favorite Jamba Juice is an extra thick Berry Lime Sublime
I like camping even when everyone else is freaking out
I own more blue shirts than I do any other color
I hate the concept of horror movies
I don’t like to be scared, (or scarred for that matter)
45. I like to eat at Taco Bell
I’ve never tried the Fruitista Freeze
I collect smashed pennies
I hate the stench of Old Navy
I love to go to bookstores
50. I love even more to go to used bookstores
My favorite candy flavor is probably Blue Raspberry or Razzberry
I love the Clone Wars cartoons and I liked the movie even though it was a little lame, as you all know
I currently have 94 Star Wars action figures displayed in my room at home
I prefer the mountains to the ocean
55. I love aspen trees
I collect playing cards
I have numerous pocket knives
I like Macs much more than I do PCs
I wear my watch on my right arm even though I’m right-handed
60. My favorite lightsaber color is orange
My favorite regular color is green
My roommate is from Rwanda

I think MySpace is evil
My preferred Bible translation is NIV though I recently got an ESV that is pretty cool
65. I own four toys that are each made of 100% recycled awesome
My favorite coffee flavoring is Irish Creme
I use powdered laundry detergent when I wash clothes
If I were an X-Man I would be Nightcrawler
I like frosted Pop-Tarts much more than the nasty unfrosted ones
70. I prefer brown bread over white and whole wheat
I like to listen to Glad
I prefer milk chocolate over white and especially over dark
I like chocolate the best when it has almonds in it
I drink 1% milk but not because I think I’m fat, ‘cause I’m not, I guess I could be drinking whole if I wanted to
75. I hate driving but not as much as I used to
I hate wearing flip-flops even though I have to here in the dorms so that I don’t have to walk on the nasty carpet. They’re so loud and obnoxious.
I haven’t mastered the art of stealth yet
I don’t really like it when people brag about the percentage of a certain race that they are unless they really are full-blooded. Don’t they realize that if they truly are half German or whatever, one of their parents must be full-blooded? It’s irritating
80. I don’t like it when people slack off in their typing just because it isn’t school work
I love
I’m not a hand-raiser in church
I like schedules
My favorite ride at Disneyland is Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye
85. I have a niece named Emily who is the cutest little girl ever
I prefer Florida style Sunny Delight over any other orange juice
My cell phone is really beat up even though I don’t really think that I’m all that harsh to it
I hate to watch sad movies and if the movie has a sad ending that I know about, I refuse to watch it
My friend broke my first pocket knife trying to dig bb’s out of a wooden fence
90. I am subscribed and receive the Star Wars Insider every two months
I hate roller-coasters
I dislike crowds
I like popcorn shrimp
I love jumping off moderately high rocks into ice cold water
95. I’m very much against text messaging
I like Ask-a-Ninja
I like my cup to be full of ice when I take a drink
I like to play ping-pong
I don’t like to wear dark shirts because I think they make me look depressed. Maybe I am depressed, but I rarely want to look it.
100. I wish I were a Mandalorian (and I don’t mean a “Back to the Future” car)

If that's not 100, I'm sorry. I have a few more. I made this list in Word and then it wouldn't transfer the numbers. I tried to put in values in fives, but I don't even know if that worked. Oh well. You're just glad that that is over with.
Finally, here is the first picture that was on my blog and its modern-day counterpart:

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Concerning Hobbits?

I didn't really know what to title this post. Oh well.
Not a ton has happened since my last post in the school department. I've read my Bible quite a bit, I've written some papers, I took a few quizzes, and did some more reading. I haven't gotten any of my grades from my quizzes back yet, but I'm hoping to know how I did tomorrow.
I went home for the Fortieth Anniversary of Pahrump Community Church last weekend. We had a fun time even though Dad and Mom weren't at home very much. When I say we, I mean that, (as you know from Brenda's blog,) Zachary, Brenda, and Emily swung by to see us on their trip back home. I don't really even know who I'm writing this for, since the only person who might not know what's been going on would be Uncle Randy. I suppose you'd better be taking notes then? Hmm. I got to see Granddad and Grandmom since they came up for the celebration as well. We had a good time.
Another highlight of this past weekend is the fact that I got The Force Unleashed for my Wii! It is all that you ever dreamed it would be and more. Don't take my word for it, go and buy it for yourself! All you need is a Wii, a PS2, a PS3, a PSP, an Xbox 360, a Ds, or an iPhone and you can play it! I guess it didn't get as good of a rating as many thought that it would, but, from the three levels that I played before I had to return to college, thought that it was great. Yes, I had a picture, but it stopped displaying. Sorry.

It was good to see all of you this last weekend, not discounting in any way Dad, Mom, and Lauri, and I'll see you next post.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Another week o' School

Yes, I had another week of school. It went pretty well all things considered. I had a few quizzes. The one that I took in Pentateuch and Former Prophets I did very poorly on. I think that there were only a few guys who did well on it. Most were in the same boat that I was. Oh well. I haven't done my homework for today yet. Why, you ask?
Yes, it was everything you ever thought it would be. By that I mean somewhat lame, cheesy, and strange. But it was Star Wars!!! After Episode II, anything could have been good. I enjoyed it. I don't really know if I would recommend it to anyone while it is still in theaters, but I thought that it was pretty good.
Rick Warren came to chapel on Wednesday to speak. There's this thing called "Live with Purpose, 40 Day Journey" that he urged us to do. It's some sort of devotional/Bible study/outreach thing. I signed up.
I don't really know what I'm going to do this evening. I might go do something, but then again I might do something else. You just never know.
Here's a picture from my phone because I'm too lazy to take a real picture.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Classes and Home

Hello again. I just finished supper at the Alumni Dining Commons and have come back to my room to hang out. I finished classes before lunch and this afternoon I mostly just sat around homeworking. I went to Wal-Mart and that was loads of fun. The moral of that story is: I hate driving in big cities. I think that my time here will make me all the more thankful when I'm a Village Missionary somewhere rural.
My classes are pretty good so far. I have Jesus and the Gospels; English: Composition; and Pentateuch and Former Prophets on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I don't really like English simply because it's all about writing papers but I like the teacher. I don't mind Jesus and the Gospels but the teacher isn't really my favorite. I like both the class and the teacher of Pentateuch and Former Prophets even though it's going to be dang hard because of all the reading and the memorization.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have Introduction to Ministry and Info Systems Essentials. Introduction to ministry is taught by Dr. Dunavant who is the head of the BAT program so that's pretty cool. Info Systems Essentials is taught by a sixty-one year old tall, lanky black guy. He's pretty funny and I think that that course will be profitable.

I did go home this weekend. Whoever says that you won't really miss your family is a liar. I'm glad that I got to do that and spend some time with Katie Ellyn as well. (Hint, hint. Update your blog Katie.) I got some clothes washed and got some stuff to make my room a little more my own.

Here are a few pictures just to spice up the blog a little:
My room upgraded

My hall

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

September the Tooth

I attended the Clash-n-Bowl last night. It was really loud and really crowded. It also had erratically flashing lights all over the place. But did I let that stop me from having the time of my life??!?!? Yep, 'fraid so.
Today we have more schooly stuff that we're to attend. There are some little hour long lectures and we get to choose two of them to attend. Those are at 10:00. Then there's some other stuff this afternoon. No more "FUN" with our FyOCUS group, but there is a scavenger hunt this evening. That should be interesting.
As he was sitting on his bed, Modesete spied my picture on my blog and asked me about it. I showed him photo booth and, after I asked him, he agreed to have his picture up on my blog so that y'all could see what he looked like. Here it is:

That's Modesete in the middle and his friend Desire. (There is an accent mark on the second "e" in his name but I don't know how to do that on blogger. You say it Dez Rey.)
Oh, and I'm the one on the left.
Here is a picture of the baseball game I went to the other night.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


The author of this blog wishes to apologize to his readers concerning any discomfort they might have experienced including but not limited to speling, punctuation; and grammar syntax. Again, so sorry.

Today I did some "Reaching Out to Riverside" by picking up some trash up the street. It was okay I suppose. Tonight there is an Angels baseball game that all of the college freshmen are suppose to attend. The Angels are playing the Rangers. So, since I have more connections to Texas than I do to baseball or Anaheim, I'll probably cheer quietly for the Rangers. Apparently we're going to wear our Orientation t-shirts, do some special chant-type thing , and be on television. Should be loud... I mean fun.

Here's a little bit wider shot of the room for Zachary.

Sorry, there's just not quite enough room to take a really good picture.

Friday, August 29, 2008

FyOCUS and Other Such Things

Hello everyone.
I'm sitting in my dorm room with the fan blowing on me since it is very humid, hot, and sticky outside. This afternoon around lunch time I got back from the New Student Orientation camp thing. It was cooler up there and the speakers were good. I didn't care for the music though. It was insanely loud and it made my stomach hurt to listen to it. I've been here since Tuesday and the FyOCUS stands for First (year) Orientation for Christian University Success. I suppose that it's a pretty good acronym except for the "year." It's actually a pretty good idea I guess. It's somewhat like an inoculation where you get exposed to at least seven billion people and then you won't be fazed by the couple million that you face every day. Oh well, whatever. I took some pictures of my dorm room. I don't have the ethernet cable yet, but my pictures loaded very quickly on Flikr. So here you go:
This is my side of the room
This is Modeste's (no sheets since we just got back from camp)

I'll fill you in on other stuff later, but I have a load of close in the wash and at 4:30 I'm suppose to have "'FUN' with my FOCUS Group." We'll see how that goes. Talk to you later.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Some pictures

We're at the Grandpadges now. Since they have faster internet I can post some pictures now. Here you go.

Friday, August 15, 2008

A Prologue

I suppose that since I've changed the name of my blog and since this post has nothing to do with CBU, it might not be able to be part of the blog save for the title of the post. So, there you go.
Well, we just got back from seeing Zachary, Brenda, Justin, Katie Ellyn, and Emily in Redding. We had a blast going to the coast with them on their family camp, winning gift cards, jumping off rocks, drinking Jamba Juice, and just hanging out. Although the agate beach was pretty fun, I'd have to say that my favorite part was jumping off rocks into ice cold water. It was great. Lauri probably drove more than I did on the way home. It was good even though I didn't get much of my book read. By the way, if you haven't read The Screwtape Letters, I'd highly recommend it. I was going to post some pictures, but when I was picking out the ones I'd like to use, I remembered that Brenda was going to post today and, sure enough, she'd picked three of the four that I was going to use. I would put the remainder on my blog, but our internet is retarded and I can't get the image to upload at all. Oh well, go over to her blog to see how much fun we had.
This morning, Mom told me that I had a dentist appointment this afternoon and I got to go get cavities filled. It was so much fun and the left half of my mouth is now numb. At least I get to go get the other side filled next Friday. Wait, what?
We're going to Phoenix on Sunday and we get to spend a few days hanging out with the family down there. It will be good to swim and see folks again.
Perhaps most notably for me, it is only eleven days until I leave for the single most nerve-racking thing in my life. Please pray for me.

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Moment You've All Been Waiting For:

You may come back from the edge of your seats now. After all these many tension filled moments, the secrets have come to light. Well, I guess it’s not really a secret for many if not all of you. I was trying to boost the excitement level of my entire blog. So......

Here it is!

Just teasing. I’ve had this for a while now. Although it has served me well through the years, its time in the limelight is now at an end. It sits lonely, seemingly rejected at my computer desk. Why you ask?

To make way for my iPod touch! At 16GB, this state of the art mp3 player provides not only music, but videos, pictures, and wi-fi access as well! It is very cool, I love everything about it, and I got it for only $100!

You may be asking yourself, “'For only $100?' Is this truly an Apple product?” Or possibly, “How did Caleb swing that?” The answer is found in this:

I got a MacBook Pro for college!!!!!!! It seems that many of my previous posts have something to do with a certain Mr. Duits. Well, this post will not disappoint. God orchestrated circumstances so that Mr. Duits decided that he’d like to help me with college by purchasing me a laptop computer. I can’t really believe that he’d do something like this, but obviously God has always had a plan in mind. I got my iPod for $100 dollars because Apple had a special deal specifically for college students that enabled them not only to get a discounted computer, but also a free iPod with their purchase. The deal was either an 8GB iPod Touch or and 8GB iPod Nano. I decided to put out an extra hundred dollars and go with the 16GB instead. Both the iPod and the Lappy are amazingly cool. With my Lappy, I got iWork. I’m actually typing this post in Pages instead of on blogger since our internet is really slow and iffy.

In CBU news, August 26 is the big day. There’s about a week long orientation thing that’s supposed to get me oriented. I supposed that means going to a Chinese restaurant or turning Communist. Wait, what? Anyway, there’s going to be a move-in day, a two day camp in the mountains, some kind of Reach-Out to Riverside type thing that involves In-n-Out, and an Angels baseball game. Sounds like fun, eh? I guess it should be okay.
I also have the name of my roommate, although I haven’t gotten in touch with him yet. His name is Modeste Muhire. I don’t even know how to pronounce it, but I guess I will in short order once I get there.
Before the insanity of the 26th, hopefully, Lauri and I both get to go to Family Camp with Zachary, Brenda, Emily, Katie Ellyn, and Justin. I say hopefully because Lauri doesn’t have her driver’s license yet. She’s going for the test in a week or so, but I won’t give you the details. She’ll do fine.

Cordially yours,
Caleb Walker

P.S. Happy Birthday Brenda

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

In Theaters Everywhere....

Coming soon:
The post for which everyone has been waiting. Will it shock and amaze you or will it bring horror beyond imagination? Will it leave you laughing or cause you to weep bitterly? Only you can decide...

Hopefully before too long, I'll get some pictures of what has been going on around here. The thing is that our internet is broken more than half the time and I haven't gotten around to uploading pictures yet. Soon though. Probably not until next week sometime. Lauri and I are to the coast with the youth group for a camp-out tomorrow until Sunday so I won't have opportunity to post until we get back. Obviously.

Have a good week and don't let the suspense keep you up at night.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Holy Smoke, my friends!!! I am so glad you are not dead!

We watched Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark on Friday in honor of the new movie coming out. We haven't seen it yet, but I hope to do so very soon, Uncle Randy.
As many, if not most, if not all of you already know, I am now graduated. Granddad and Grandmom came up from Phoenix and Katie Ellyn and Justin drove all the way down from Redding. We had a great time hanging out. Zachary and Brenda, we missed y'all. It's a bummer that you couldn't make it, but at least I'll get to see you in two weeks. Just to be warned, I made all of the pictures small so that they would all load. There is a ton of them. If you have any extreme desire to see any of the larger, just comment and let me know. I also realize now that me putting them in medium size made them grainy. Sorry. Here are a few graduation pictures:

This is how I looked for the entirety of the graduation ceremonies.

And this is me doing my Emily impression.

After the graduation ceremonies on Saturday, Granddad and Grandmom took us to Disneyland!! We had a blast there and I believe that we went on the Indiana Jones ride six times. We rode on it as our first ride in the park, and the last one before we left. It was by far my favorite ride. Here is a cussload of Disneyland pictures:

This one is actually a picture from two years ago, I just put it in so that y'all could enjoy this next picture better:

These next pics are just from our time in Disneyland and California Adventure in no particular order.

In other news, I think that you already know that I've been accepted to CBU. I'm pretty sure that Orientation is on August 26, so you can either send me a Samurai sword and a paper lantern, or pray for me. I suppose you could do both. Both would lend to the orientation.
This next weekend we get to go to VM Conference. I'm looking forward to that and I'm also looking forward to seeing Emily after that! I'll probably update with pictures after that trip as well.
One more thing. Thirty-one years ago today, Star Wars was released. So, in honor of Star Wars' birthday, watch A New Hope preferably today. If not today, then at least this week.

Happy Anniversary Zachary and Brenda for yesterday.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Pictures, finally!

Here are some pictures of my knives. I like them quite a bit.

Another few pictures that go with an entirely new story. Mr. Duits, the crazy guy that gave me all the knives, decided that, since he got Dad a gun and since I was graduating this year, he had a good idea for a graduation present.

That's right. For reasons entirely beyond me, he decided to buy me a Walther P22. A .22 pistol, semi-auto that weighs fifteen ounces without the clip. It is a blast to shoot. It was really windy the day that we shot, but it was still a dang lot of fun. Zachary, come on down to shoot it with me. Uncle Randy, now that I have my own gun and my own knives, what else do I need to concern you more?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Well, what do you think of my new blog template? Is your first response, "Hey! That looks like Kara's blog!" Or is it possibly, "Why isn't anything capitalized?" Sorry on both of those counts, but I'll stick with it since I rarely update anyway.
To fill you in on what's happened around here since Lauri posted, here goes.
Dad is now walking around without his cast. He's pretty excited about that. We got to go shooting the other evening with our new pistol. There's this guy in our church that has a whole lot of money, (he's the guy that gave Lauri and me money to fly to San Diego.) Anyway, a few weeks ago, they took us out to Quiznos. There, we got to talking about guns. He has a ton of those and he's also planning on building a shooting range in a building on his property. There was this one that both Dad and I really liked: a Ruger Mark III Target model. We didn't ask for one but we did comment that it was really nice, just like anyone would have done. To cut to the point, about a week later, Mr. Duits shows up with a brand new pistol and all kinds of locks and stuff for Dad. A few weeks later, our family took the Duits out to eat as a small way to thank them for everything they've done for us. While we were there, Mr. Duits asked me if I collected knives. I told him that I wouldn't say that I collected them, but I certainly have a few and I enjoy them quite a bit. I'd have a picture for you right here, but blogger wouldn't take them for me. Sorry. Just image a picture of them. Fifty-one Frost Cutlery Steel Warrior knives. Oh yeah. Needless to say, that is quite a sweet gift. His wife told him that he needed to stop collecting knives if he was going to continue his gun collecting habit. None of these knives have ever been used and some hadn't even been taken out of their packages. I was extremely stoked to say the least.
I have some more to say, but since I figure y'all will be tired of reading already, I'll leave you with this for now.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Don't Look!

This blog is currently under construction. Move along. There's nothing to see here.


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

A.S. Ante script
I actually am writing this after the rest of the post. I apologize for the confusing nature of the majority of my posts. They make perfect sense in my mind until I read them later and think, "What was I thinking?" Have fun!

He is risen! I hope your Easter went well to anyone who ends up reading this. Ours went fine. Dad and I got up around 4:15 this morning and Mom and Lauri got up sometime before that. Consequently, everyone except for me is napping right now. I don't sleep very well in the day time. My mind's still on even if it's a bit sluggish from tiredness. I also noticed that the last time I posted was on Mom's birthday. Now it's Dad's. Happy Birthday Dad!
In order to fill you in on what's happening in my life down here in Pahrump, here goes nothing. Well, technically, nothing would not be true. Although there aren't many things, the things that are are rather weighty. I applied for California Baptist University. We went over there right before we went up to celebrate Emily's birthday and learned quite a bit. David Carr, the Village Missionary in Lenwood, California, has a son who is a Freshman at CBU who is taking the same courses I'll be taking since he's planning on becoming a Village Missionary too. The program, Bachelor of Applied Theology (BAT), looks very good and that is what we're pursuing right now. So, you can be praying that if that's what the Lord wants me to do, that it will work out smoothly. You can also pray that I will be able to trust God with this more fully since I am very anxious. Why you ask? There's an episode of Monk, (which we have started watching recently) where Monk says, "I have this old saying: Don't...... change...... anything, ever." But I know that the Lord will provide the strength that He promises me in numerous places in Scripture.
If, for some reason, you haven't heard it elsewhere, Dad broke his ankle. Check out Stumpy's blog for details.
I'll talk to the Phoenix crew in a couple of days and I'll see the Redding crew in a few months.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Outbound Flight

No, I'm not leaving for an extended period of time. Stop booing. Anyway, I'm not really sure if I've posted about this book before but, just to serve as a reminder, I'll fill you in. Outbound Flight was published two or three years ago. Written by Timothy Zahn, it records details of the Outbound Flight project. Outbound Flight is meant to travel to the unknown regions at the edge of the known universe. It also deals with Jorj Car'das and Mitth'raw'nuruodo. Did I mention this was a Star Wars book? Just in case you wanted to read it yourself, I won't tell y'all the entire plot. You may be asking yourself: "Why am I still reading this?" or "What does this have to you with me?" In response to those questions, my answer is, "I have no idea!"
In my opinion, Timothy Zahn is the best Star Wars novel author ever. He's written a number of other Star Wars books, all of which I have read except for one that I am saving until June. Books smell better than old Taco Bell. Some of my friends up in Oregon knew that I liked Timothy Zahn and they also knew that he lived not more than an hour south of them. They knew this because one of their friends went to church with Timothy Zahn!!!!! My friends went to a small college thing where Timothy Zahn was speaking and they got one of their books signed but I hadn't sent mine yet. I finally sent it and they looked for another opportunity to have him autograph my book. Finally, last Sunday, my friend went to Timothy Zahn's church, sat in a Sunday School class taught by Timothy Zahn, and GOT MY BOOK SIGNED!!!!!!! I was extremely stoked when I received my package in the mail. Here are some pictures:

While I have y'all here, I'd also like to say that we had a blast in Tahoe. The skiing was amazing and so was the eating, wii playing, and Emily seeing. Until next time.