Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Pictures, finally!

Here are some pictures of my knives. I like them quite a bit.

Another few pictures that go with an entirely new story. Mr. Duits, the crazy guy that gave me all the knives, decided that, since he got Dad a gun and since I was graduating this year, he had a good idea for a graduation present.

That's right. For reasons entirely beyond me, he decided to buy me a Walther P22. A .22 pistol, semi-auto that weighs fifteen ounces without the clip. It is a blast to shoot. It was really windy the day that we shot, but it was still a dang lot of fun. Zachary, come on down to shoot it with me. Uncle Randy, now that I have my own gun and my own knives, what else do I need to concern you more?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Well, what do you think of my new blog template? Is your first response, "Hey! That looks like Kara's blog!" Or is it possibly, "Why isn't anything capitalized?" Sorry on both of those counts, but I'll stick with it since I rarely update anyway.
To fill you in on what's happened around here since Lauri posted, here goes.
Dad is now walking around without his cast. He's pretty excited about that. We got to go shooting the other evening with our new pistol. There's this guy in our church that has a whole lot of money, (he's the guy that gave Lauri and me money to fly to San Diego.) Anyway, a few weeks ago, they took us out to Quiznos. There, we got to talking about guns. He has a ton of those and he's also planning on building a shooting range in a building on his property. There was this one that both Dad and I really liked: a Ruger Mark III Target model. We didn't ask for one but we did comment that it was really nice, just like anyone would have done. To cut to the point, about a week later, Mr. Duits shows up with a brand new pistol and all kinds of locks and stuff for Dad. A few weeks later, our family took the Duits out to eat as a small way to thank them for everything they've done for us. While we were there, Mr. Duits asked me if I collected knives. I told him that I wouldn't say that I collected them, but I certainly have a few and I enjoy them quite a bit. I'd have a picture for you right here, but blogger wouldn't take them for me. Sorry. Just image a picture of them. Fifty-one Frost Cutlery Steel Warrior knives. Oh yeah. Needless to say, that is quite a sweet gift. His wife told him that he needed to stop collecting knives if he was going to continue his gun collecting habit. None of these knives have ever been used and some hadn't even been taken out of their packages. I was extremely stoked to say the least.
I have some more to say, but since I figure y'all will be tired of reading already, I'll leave you with this for now.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Don't Look!

This blog is currently under construction. Move along. There's nothing to see here.
