Friday, July 25, 2008

The Moment You've All Been Waiting For:

You may come back from the edge of your seats now. After all these many tension filled moments, the secrets have come to light. Well, I guess it’s not really a secret for many if not all of you. I was trying to boost the excitement level of my entire blog. So......

Here it is!

Just teasing. I’ve had this for a while now. Although it has served me well through the years, its time in the limelight is now at an end. It sits lonely, seemingly rejected at my computer desk. Why you ask?

To make way for my iPod touch! At 16GB, this state of the art mp3 player provides not only music, but videos, pictures, and wi-fi access as well! It is very cool, I love everything about it, and I got it for only $100!

You may be asking yourself, “'For only $100?' Is this truly an Apple product?” Or possibly, “How did Caleb swing that?” The answer is found in this:

I got a MacBook Pro for college!!!!!!! It seems that many of my previous posts have something to do with a certain Mr. Duits. Well, this post will not disappoint. God orchestrated circumstances so that Mr. Duits decided that he’d like to help me with college by purchasing me a laptop computer. I can’t really believe that he’d do something like this, but obviously God has always had a plan in mind. I got my iPod for $100 dollars because Apple had a special deal specifically for college students that enabled them not only to get a discounted computer, but also a free iPod with their purchase. The deal was either an 8GB iPod Touch or and 8GB iPod Nano. I decided to put out an extra hundred dollars and go with the 16GB instead. Both the iPod and the Lappy are amazingly cool. With my Lappy, I got iWork. I’m actually typing this post in Pages instead of on blogger since our internet is really slow and iffy.

In CBU news, August 26 is the big day. There’s about a week long orientation thing that’s supposed to get me oriented. I supposed that means going to a Chinese restaurant or turning Communist. Wait, what? Anyway, there’s going to be a move-in day, a two day camp in the mountains, some kind of Reach-Out to Riverside type thing that involves In-n-Out, and an Angels baseball game. Sounds like fun, eh? I guess it should be okay.
I also have the name of my roommate, although I haven’t gotten in touch with him yet. His name is Modeste Muhire. I don’t even know how to pronounce it, but I guess I will in short order once I get there.
Before the insanity of the 26th, hopefully, Lauri and I both get to go to Family Camp with Zachary, Brenda, Emily, Katie Ellyn, and Justin. I say hopefully because Lauri doesn’t have her driver’s license yet. She’s going for the test in a week or so, but I won’t give you the details. She’ll do fine.

Cordially yours,
Caleb Walker

P.S. Happy Birthday Brenda

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

In Theaters Everywhere....

Coming soon:
The post for which everyone has been waiting. Will it shock and amaze you or will it bring horror beyond imagination? Will it leave you laughing or cause you to weep bitterly? Only you can decide...

Hopefully before too long, I'll get some pictures of what has been going on around here. The thing is that our internet is broken more than half the time and I haven't gotten around to uploading pictures yet. Soon though. Probably not until next week sometime. Lauri and I are to the coast with the youth group for a camp-out tomorrow until Sunday so I won't have opportunity to post until we get back. Obviously.

Have a good week and don't let the suspense keep you up at night.