Monday, December 22, 2008

Numbers 22

Balak summons Balaam and Balaam's donkey and the angel.
Only three more days 'til Christmas! We've got all of the family here except for Katie Ellyn, but she'll be here on Thursday. I'll have some pictures on the next post.
I'm going to be here at home until the sixth of January so that should be cool. It's very nice to not have to worry about any reading for Pentateuch. I did pretty well in my classes. I have all of my grades except for Jesus and the Gospels. I hope that I did well in both Jesus and the Gospels.
I'll try to update before the beginning of the new year.
Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Three Things

Not ships, not kings, but things.
1. A very happy birthday to my favorite little sister. Contrary to popular belief due to frightening lack of activity from her blog, she still lives and turns seventeen the Eighth of December. Also congratulations on your new acquisition Lauri.

2. The obligatory statement from good old left field. When I was commenting on Uncle Randy's blog, the word verification word was bacta. Pretty crazy considering that bacta is a real thing. Most should know what it is. At least, I hope at least one of you knows what it is. I suppose there's an extremely small possibility that Uncle Randy knows what it is. The only other who would have a shot would be Lauri. Oh well.

3. I had this idea (be it good or not) on Friday but I decided to wait until Monday would be the first time anyone saw it. Monday is always such a fun day and these days it might be even, dare I say it, funer as a result of the anxiety due to the proximity to Christmas.
I don't really know about y'all, but I get to singing Christmas songs either in Glad style or humming/whistling/doot-dooing in the style of Manheim Steamroller and sometimes miss the words. This struck me as I was thinking about Good Christian Men Rejoice the other day. I can sing maybe the first stanza and trudge my way through the rest, but it's a good reminder in these hectic (at least for me) days before finals and all of the busyness of the Christmas season to remember that we have the most cause for joy of anyone.
Good Christian Men, Rejoice!
With heart and soul and voice!
Heed thee, heed to what we say,
Jesus Christ is born today!
Men and beast before Him bow,
And He is in the manger now,
Christ is born today!
Christ, deity incarnate, the Savior of all men who will reconcile a sinful world to Himself, is born today!
Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like...

Finals time mainly. Well, that's not entirely true. It's also beginning to look a lot like Christmas. We went to see the family in Phoenix for Thanksgiving. I did not take any pictures down there and it appears that our venerable photographer seems to be somewhat slothful of late. I assumed that there would be pictures by now but to no avail.
Anyway, we had fun down there with pool, turkeys, music, dinosaurs, and the like. I guess some of us had fun with football, but I was not among that particular group. I wish that we could have gone to Zoo Lights, but we went back to the house and set up our Christmas decorations instead. There should be some pictures of our house and its decor soon on another blog, i.e. one that has access to the home computer's iPhoto. All in all it was a very fun Thanksgiving break even though it seemed extremely short.
On Sunday I came back and started studying again. I found out that my Pentateuch and Former Prophets professor lied to us. For most it would be an excusable lie since he advertised the test to be more difficult than it actually was, but that doesn't excuse the fact that he lied. I asked him if we would get the previous quiz back before we took this quiz yesterday so that I could see which questions I got wrong and fix them. He told me that I didn't need it back since there would be no repeat questions like there normally are. The quiz yesterday was composed of roughly 90% repeat questions and only a few new questions. I don't really like being lied to. At all. Ever.
On a more positive note, I have decorated the ole dormitorio around these parts.

Ah, 'tis the season to string up half-broken strands of lights.
Happy December the Tooth!