Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Peter Stuyvesant.

We learn about alot of interesting fellows in out history class. One of them was Pete. I would write out his whole name but it makes me tired. He was a Dutch guy with a wooden leg. Our history teacher called him rotund and he was a BIG old guy. Another cool dude was Louis François Armand de Vignerot du Plessis, Duc de Richelieu. In 1753 he invented something really cool. You're comments should be guesses on what he invented.


Brenda Walker said...

I would venture a guess that he invented something useful, but not life changing. Something tasty, but not to all. I will have to give this some more thought, otherwise the product may spoil if left un-refridgerated!

Jay said...

I venture to guess he invented something slimy. I don't really like the sweet Cool version, but some people like it. It also will clog your arteries if eaten to often. I'm with Zach, it will make you sick if left out on a hot summer day barbecue.

Katie80 said...

Are y'all crazy?? We're talking 1753 here. Everybody knows Spam has been around since, like, at least the early 1200's!

My guess is that he invented Teigiru.

Does the winner get anything??

Anonymous said...

I won't give your secret invention away. You have some strange posts in here. Glad you're enjoying the guy teaching you U.S. History. He sure knows alot. Have a good day. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Teigiru, What the cuss is that????

Anonymous said...

good ol' Pegleg Pete

Katie80 said...

Teigiru: the word I had to type in to publish that post.
This time my guess is Rneiguhh.

CrazyUncle said...

Since you said it was something that was cool, how about a way to make ice?

Auntie Eisel said...

I have a pretty good guess but I won't tell!!

Brenda Walker said...

Fine, I'll just come out and say it. He invented mayonaise, as in "mayonaise alot a people in here tonight"!

Auntie Eisel said...

Okay Caleb, are you quite ready to put a new post on here yet? We have to have a new place to post comments! It's getting pretty full, you have to admit. You're just a popular guy! But popular guys update their blogs...... so get a move on!