Monday, September 12, 2005

Random Things.

Entropy is defined as the randomness of a system. If I'm a system, do I have entropy? Today we ate one of the most delicious foods on our fine planet. Fried Spam. You should go to this site:
  • Spammobile!
  • We're going to Las Vegas to go eat with the Scanlons and go see a fountain that might be the one in Ocean's 11 but I don't know. So have a good day and remember that 'A spam sandwich a day keeps the doctor away' or so I've heard.


    Auntie Eisel said...

    Hey Cabe!
    Yeah, I'm glad you like the spam! Enjoy the entropy. :)

    Jay said...

    Spam a day keep the doctor away.....only because you're six feet under. The walker family and spam? Weird people=)

    Anonymous said...

    Six feet under, don't be dissin' the

    Katie80 said...

    Ah spam...what can I say?
    No really, what *can* I say?

    I can almost feel the slime that you have to scrape off of the block of "meat" so that your fingers don't slide off as you try to cut it into little slices. Then there's the smell which permeates not only the kitchen, but the entire house. And finally, those last few slices, which mom can't bear to waste, sittin' on a papertowel near the microwave, long after lunch is finished, until someone bored (must be bored, certainly can't just be craving *more* spam) decides to eat them...plain.

    Yes, it's amazing the childhood memories suddenly stirred up by the mention of SPAM. :)

    Brenda Walker said...

    Even though my last name is walker I take no enjoyment in the whole spam thing. I don't even want the gross stuff cooked in my house because it stinks up the whole house and it seems to linger for days. Sorry Zachary and Caleb you won'tt be getting any spam at my new home.

    Anonymous said...

    hey you get a job more job yea

    Anonymous said...

    yet another comment brought to you by the letter D and viewers like you!

    Auntie Eisel said...

    Hey Caleb.
    I think you need a new post. You're still the man though don't worry. How did school go today? You could post about that!!