Monday, September 19, 2005

What's a tidbit?

Some people say "a penny for your thoughts." Today I should score at least a nickel. You know what this country needs today? That's right a seven cent nickel. If it works well we could go up to an eight cent nickel. But that's another story. About those thoughts. If a Spanish kid plays the card game Uno, when he's about to go out, does he say: "One!"? If the movie "Undercover Blues" was made into Spanish, would Stanley Tucci say: "Me llamo, es Death."? Although that's only two cents, at Katies house that's almost a nickel. So remember kids, God made you special, and He loves you very much. Bye!


Auntie Eisel said...

Good post Caleb. I'd like to see "Undercover Blues" in Spanish! And then Polina would say, "Se llama Muerte?" Yeah, cool stuff. :)

CrazyUncle said...

?Estas hablando conmigo? Yo no veo cualquier persona aquí, así que usted debe ser hablando conmigo.

Katie80 said...

I don't know about a nickles, but I think I'd be willing to give you two pence for those thoughts!

TIDBIT n. A choice morsel, as of gossip or food.

While we're on that, here's another good one I like:

SKOSH n. A small amount; a bit

I will try to use both of these words at least once before I go to bed tonight. I think everyone else should, too.

Auntie Eisel said...

Gosh Katie--"the walking dicionary"-- (or diccionario, that's about the best I can do crazyuncle) you sound like an english teacher or something....... maybe you should apply for a job at the accademy next door once they get high school. Then you could be our high school english teacher!!!

K.B.'s Sweet Shoppe said...

caleb, you should tell the peopel in charge of dubbing movies to do undercover blues, just "harcele una oferta que no pueden desechar"