Im very glad that Katie helped with my gnu blog template. Lot,s of time,s Ihave wished that I could redo it. Yeah, scrap the intentional spelling and grammatical errors. Dad got this letter that the guy put ,s's in place of 's's. It was funny. Anydangway, I would love your praise and criticism on the newness of my blog.
it,s oo cuul! i like ti. :)
It is very nice, but the navy on the maroon background is hard to read. (No comments, please, please on how easily it can be read on a Mac.
Somebody wasn't thinking about that. Their hypothesis is that you're getting old.
The navy is hard to read but the yellow is really easy. Other than that it looks great!
As much as I hate it, I must agree with my sister. Even on a Mac, navy on maroon is hard to read. And, Maroon 5 is not my favorite group. And being marooned with no job is not fun.
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