Thursday, October 27, 2005

Hillbillyness and Hoe-Downs

Everyone is invited to the Hoe-Down at our church on Saturday. You may ask,"Caleb, did I hear you right?". Sadly, it's true. I won't mention any names but we are being forced against our will to go to the hoe-down( I've decided on no caps for that now, it's not worthy enough.) We get to go eat chili. Although I don't like regular chili this is super chili. You know, all kinds of yummy beans: red beans, kidney beans, etc. Amazingly enough, this was all Dad's idea. Oh wait, I lied. If Dad didn't absolutely have to go he wouldn't. Anyway, Isn't this a Christian Community Church? Where I come from, you just don't hoe-down at your church. Or anywhere for that matter. 3+3=b


Anonymous said...

I really think, based entirely on your location and the proximity of the brothel museum, that perhaps you should find a new name for this event. "Shindig" is always good.

CrazyUncle said...

How about classier name? Maybe 'Spiritual Soiree.' Or 'Church and Chili.' Or 'Gospel and Grub.' Probably not 'Junk Food and Jesus Juice.' Perhaps a more Vegas-friendly 'Glorious Get-together for Gentlemen and Ladies of the Evening.'

Brenda Walker said...

It's to bad that I can't be there to share with you in this wonderful event that will be happening at your church. maybe I will suggest it to the deacon board that we should have one too. or maybe not. Have fun!!

Katie80 said...

I can't believe we get to go! What are the chances I would be lucky (or maybe blessed) enough to be here at the right time of year!?!?

Anonymous said...

What? If I had known that there would be an honest-to-goodness-Ho-Down I would have stayed longer. It's-not-a-real-Ho-Down-unless-I'm-there. Or maybe it's A-Ho-Down? It's-not-there-unless,-I'm-real. Ether way I should have used more hyphens.

Mimi and Poppy said...

By Ho Down do you mean "dance?" I'd love to see your mom and dad do some dancin'. I cannot dance, not because it is a sin, for it is not, but because I grew up Baptist and all rhythm was prohibited. I'm working on learning to clap on the beat while singing. So far no luck.

Katie80 said...

Of course it's honest-to-goodness! It's from 6:00p.m.-to-at-least-8:00-or-later!!
I wish you could've stayed for it Chuck-I-mean-Charles!

Justin Richardson said...

Have Fun at the Ho-down!

Auntie Eisel said...

Well, I might just be sick that night. But I must say Chuck is right, it can't be a REAL ho-down unless he's here. But I guess we'll have to suffer through it without him. I would be saying these things on CHUCK's blog..... but wait he-doesn't-have-one!!!!!!!! Stinkin' guy. :)
(what's with the "3+3=b"?)