Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Just a short little post

Does anyone remember that game for the original NES that you were this little guy, imagine, and you walked around though this world and you tried to defeat vegetables? I think that it had a Christian imphasis but I can't remember anything beyond that. So if anyone knows it's name or can remember it just not the name or is feeling sorry that they haven't left any comments on my last post, I would appreciate it. Thanks. And also, I think that Jack Johnson is trying to take over the WBI (which I can't remember what it stands for). I know that Chuck, and I believe that Justin too, share my sentiments about music on the blogs. To tell you the truth, I mute the volume on the computer because the songs hinder my reading. I realise that this may stir some emotion among some of you. So this isn't a short post. So sue me. That's right, a boy named Sue. Thus concludes my internet journal entry for the day.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Caleb! Music on the blogs, I hate it, especially if you can't turn it off. I try to avoid the ones you can't turn off like the plague, or maybe scurvy, no definitely cholera. I have no idea what game you are talking about, but I do believe some vegetables have sinned beyond redemption and need to be eradicated, such as lima beans and asparagus.

Mimi and Poppy said...

Oh my goodness! I'm so glad you confessed to mutation of the sound. I've never been able to focus with noise in the background, so I too am a muter. And then there's crazyuncle's questionable taste in what he allows the children to hear. He's always been a rebel. But I love him anyway.
Mute on, my friend (nephew).

Lindsay Ward said...

I'll admit that I usually check blogs first thing in the morning or on my lunch hour so I am in the office. All that to say, I have never even heard any of the music because my sound is always on mute! Must be why I never felt the need to add music to my blog.

CrazyUncle said...

Think what a sad world it would be if no one took the time to listen to the musical arts. Or what if you were deaf? You could just read till your eyes fall out, with no distractions. Some of us spend hours agonizing over which music suits the mood of the day. Some of us close our eyes and point. After all, without my song attachment, ZKW wouldn't have been turned on to Calico Silver.

p.s. I listen to everyone's song once, then mute. Even my own.

joshnjay said...

Caleb, Yes we definatly aggree that music is not cool, well at least that is what we will tell you since my Mom and Dad have not figured out how to do music anyway. But they did figure out the picture thing after a billion tries. Maybe there is hope for them in this computer crazy world. Josh

p.s. Check out our new blog

Katie80 said...

Well, even though I *have* music on my blog, I usually mute it (and others) when I'm reading blogs. Not because it's hard to concentrate, but because I usually have music on already and 2 songs at the same time can get annoying.
I do enjoy seeing what songs people choose, though, so when anyone changes their song, I'll listen to it a time or two.