Monday, November 28, 2005

And Now, The Rest of the Story.

I always struggle with coming up with snappy titles and closing comments for my blog post. This post isn't really a continuation of anything but it's kind of a good title. If the G-Padges get around to reading this, Lauri and I have decided that you have trouble reading my font because your screen is a little darker and it isn't a flat screen. Do any of the rest of y'all continue to have trouble with reading my font? I just watched Episode III last knight (sorry, night.) It was sad and good just as it was the last three times I saw it. I need to watch it of Granddad's tv. Fifty inches. Man, that thing's big. Star Wars HD. Whoa.............. That'd be awesome. I don't have a fancy widget but here's what y'all could get me for Christmas. If you all worked together.. Who knows? It could happen

Friday, November 25, 2005

Hey Y'all

Happy Thankgiving! I hope you got lots of presents and remembered that Jesus is the real reason of the season. I suppose half of that statement is incorrect. I was thinking that maybe we should get like one Thanksgiving present. Not that I'm saying that we should get docked one present at Christmas or that other people should spend on us money that we don't have, but it would be fun. Say hi to the Binghams for me if they haven't already left. Around here we played pool and ate and played gameboy. I think I heard something about a football game too. Charlie Brown Thanksgiving was on at seven but, heaven forbid, that we watch anything while Surviver was on. So Paul and Granddad and Lauri and I played pool while it was on. We did get to watch Charlie Brown Thanksgiving because Granddad has Tivo. Anyway, I'm really excited because we are going to Zoo Lights tonite! The tonite is for you Katie 'cause I know that you miss England so much. Mom asked If I was being philisophical so here's the last thing:
How much chuck,
Could a Woodchuck chuck
If a Woodchuck
Was actually a Wolverine?

4:16 p.m. Phoenix time

Monday, November 21, 2005

About time.

Today's lesson is about time. One o'clock is forty-five minutes after twelve fifteen. Remeber that. Meditate on it and get back to me. I haven't written in a while because I really haven't had anything to talk about. And I still don't really but y'all are getting mad at me. I tried to pull ideas from other's blogs. So I shall update you on my tv shows. Um. Hmmm. Yeah, I forgot. I don't watch tv alot these days. In my thought process, I came to the subject of houses. For all some of you know, our house is the newest one you have ever seen. Jobs.... no. Computer degrees.... no. Scrapbook pages and blankets.. DEFINITLY NO. To update all of you on my life, I feel like Jay (yes he has finally updated). I do school. We watch a movie in the evening. Then we go to bed. Today however, Wal-Mart had a new Star Wars action figure display. Commander Gree, yeah, there was like five of him. But I did get a new guy and he was the other one that I wanted. His name is Commander Bly. I also got another guy that does not have a proper name but is known as the Clone Commander. I can't get a picture of him but he is cool too. Some of you may ask why Clones need names anyway because they're are clones. And I have an answer for you: I don't know. If you are bored or curious enough to find out, you'll get extra points.

Saturday, November 12, 2005


I've decided that most people leave comments if someone got a new pair of shoes or of pants or something. I got something new today. No, not a new pair of shoes. But a new Star Wars action figure!! Yeah! I've wanted to get this guy ever since I heard that he became an action figure. This is a picture from him from the movie:No, he's not the little green guy. His name is Commander Gree. So I go to Wal-Mart and I look for him everytime. We went to Vegas today and went to a Target. I went to the action figure aisle and there was this little kid and his grandpa. He was probably 6 or 7 and he had three Star Wars action figures in his hand. He was like ' Look at all these green guys! I need one more and then I'll be fine.' His grandpa said, ' Are you sure that you want all the same ones?' He said, 'Yeah!'. So I start panicing, really hoping that there would be one left. So I sneaked up and looked on the top rows where this little kid couldn't reach and thankfully found one. There was one left after I got mine so I hid him up high in the back so that some greedy little kid couldn't get his greedy little fingers on it. I mean he called it the 'green guy'!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

A little note

As I'm sure many of you already know, Burger King has put out a new line of Episode III toys. If any of you get kids meals and throw away the toy you should reconsider. Those toys are not just some child's insignificant plaything. They are child's plaything that I would be more than happy to save from the garbage. I'm not saying that you should buy a kid's meal just for me ( of course Christmas is coming up:)) but I'm merely saying that if you were going throw them away anyway, you now don't have to!

Friday, November 04, 2005

The Saga is complete.

While I am writing this, I am listening to the Star Wars theme song and wishing that I could have it playing on this post. Sadly, everyone that could help me is either at some party or in the process of moving. Excuses, excuses. Anyway Zachary and Katie had to leave today but to lighten the mood around here they purchased for me the final chapter of the best saga of movies that has ever been created. That's not an opinion but rather a certified fact. For those of you who have not seen the third episode (I would be rather shocked if you haven't) or for those who have downloaded it and never watched it, I would strongly suggest it. May the force be with you all.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


.ti tuoba s'taht, lleW.siht deyojne uoy epoh I . worromot oigalleB eht ta sniatnuof eht ees ot gniog era eW. uoy fo lla niatretne dna etatirri htob ot siht etorw I, yldnoceS. su esirprus dna ereh nwod emoc ot dediced yrahcaZ, yltsriF. enoyreve olleH