Friday, November 04, 2005

The Saga is complete.

While I am writing this, I am listening to the Star Wars theme song and wishing that I could have it playing on this post. Sadly, everyone that could help me is either at some party or in the process of moving. Excuses, excuses. Anyway Zachary and Katie had to leave today but to lighten the mood around here they purchased for me the final chapter of the best saga of movies that has ever been created. That's not an opinion but rather a certified fact. For those of you who have not seen the third episode (I would be rather shocked if you haven't) or for those who have downloaded it and never watched it, I would strongly suggest it. May the force be with you all.


Brenda Walker said...

Force, smorche!!! I know, I know, I haven't seen it. Maybe someday I will get around to it!! Love ya!

Auntie Eisel said...

That sure was nice of them wasn't it? We need to watch it soon!!

CrazyUncle said...

We just got back from dinner (May the Fords be with you!) and I had a turkey and cranberry meal (May the forks be with you). Mmm.

Kayla said...

I saw that movie, and personally i thought the Land Before Time Saga was slightly better, and I think it consists of more movies. Anyway, I'm glad you liked it.

Anonymous said...

Look! Your Dad actually left a comment (although I suppose I should leave more than one to be consistent with the "commence" silliness).
Being ill right now, I am using some "down-time" to read blogs. I would respond to some others too if their blogs accepted anonymous replies.

Katie80 said...

Glad you love your new movie! I did see it, aren't you proud of me?! Or maybe you are proud of J since he is the one who decided to go to it, and I really just went along... :)