Monday, March 13, 2006


Don't you love 'em? Actually for me it hasn't been that bad. We got back from Redding after having a fun time and an uneventful drive. We picked Daisy up last night and gave her one of those toothbrushes to chew on. Kind of like a treatish thing you know. On the package it said edible. This morning, we woke up, Mom fed her and she didn't eat. She was being very sluggish and suffice to say, she's at the vet to see if she's okay. I wish vets weren't so expensive. Another Mondayish (another one of those words for you Uncle Randy) thing is that Lauri's sick. So that's a bummer. On the bright side, we are home and Dad is going to be back in the states again tonight so hopefully we'll get to talk to him this evening. I really don't have any questions for you so that I can rack up the comments but I thought that I'd post because I've been held to my eight comment rule. I hope work went well for all of you and Uncle Randy, I guess I wasn't specific, how were those books? Merry 13rd of March!


joshnjay said...

It was good to see you for the few minutes that we saw you. Wish it could have been longer. But how sweet the fellowship around the turtle tank was:-)

Auntie Eisel said...

Sickness is stupid. I hope Daisy is all better by tomorrow, and I can't wait to see Dad!!

CrazyUncle said...

I thought the books were really goodish. I might have been yourish age when I read them. I can't rememberish. And I'm sorryish that Lauri is feeling under the weather. And Daisyish, too.

Auntie Eisel said...

It's been a week now, do you think you can update with four commece? :) tee hee

Auntie Eisel said...

Oh yeah, and you better update your buttons again. Don't get me wrong, I think they're hilarious, but Kyle did update now! He has a kid!!

Jay said...

Ok now. I think you shouldn't tell me to update and then take your sweet little time. YOU SHOULD UPDATE.

Jay said...
