Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Anything and Everything

I do realize that my blog posts have a large gap in between. I try this mostly because I don't really have anything to say, partly because I'm lazy, and partly because I hope that you will be more excited about my life on the edge and leave me millions of comments. That being said, for those of you who get restless on some of the longer blogs, I know that this one fits very well into that category, I have a hankering that this one will be a mega post so I shall try to put the main point at the beginning of the paragraph so that skimming will be easier. So it begins.
I had a great time with my iPod. They are wonderful machines and I listened on the car ride to and from the coast and on the plane ride to and from Dallas. Just thought that I should put that in there.
The coast was amazing. I think that this trip probably took the cake in the "Going to the Beach A lot" competition. Betcha didn't know there was one didya? On the first beach the sand wasn't great but there were a lot of hermit crabs that we caught and held. Dad got pinched by a real crab and that was pretty funny. The second beach was sandy through and through. The one on the right is Lauri's and the one on the left is mine. Even though the water wasn't warm and we didn't get stung by jellies :) , we had a great time being knocked over by the waves and getting all salty and sandy. We had a great time with Cogs and Crazy Uncle (and Aunt) and we were glad that they got to come up.
The Monterey Bay Aquarium was fascinating. Again, our favorite part was the jellies but we enjoyed everything from the penguins to the octopus. The penguins were my second favorite part second only to the jellies. I also liked seeing the massive tank with all kinds of fish in there and some sea turtles.
Conference was great. Seeing as how my friends around hotville a.k.a. Pahrump consist of one person that's not really a really close friend yet, conference is the bomb 'cause the main chunk of good friends that I have I only see once a year. Even though the junior highers did more thing with us than I would have liked, it was a blast. Even though I lost at mini golf in my group, one of my two best friends wins every stinkin' year, I didn't do too poorly compared with the rest of the folgies. I have this theory that I don't do well under pressure when I feel like I need to do great. I know, many of you are shaking your heads saying, "No, really?" I was winning in the first half of the mini golf game but then I think it was on the tenth hole that I started losing, bad. But we had a great time. Lauri and I had a great time at the boardwalk beach, (the boardwalk is where the mini golf place is too.) Even though only a few of our friends enjoy getting into the cold water, it was great.
We got to go to the Redwoods a couple of times. We got to ride this really cool train and see the Redwoods with the help of a Bold and Intrepid tour guide.
I had a good birthday and got a lot of cool stuff. One new watch, two new pocket knives, one of which I don't know it's location at the moment, four books, five video games and sixteen candles on the cake. Thanks to Dad and Mom's generosity, we didn't have to drive the entire way home on my birthday but got to stay in a motel outside of Bakersfield.
We only spent a couple days at home between trips. Going to Wal-Mart, playing Ocarina of time, being hot...
And then, (after an incredibly short paragraph) we went to Dallas and sweated. Indeed for most of you, roughly half minus those who don't live in Pahrump, you are used to the hot and stickiness but we weren't. It wasn't too bad but it sure wasn't what I was used to. The reason we went down there was to give Nanny (Mom's mom) a surprise eightieth birthday party! It went really well. I think she was very happy to receive it even though she acted like she should have known what was going on. We had a good time getting to see family down there. I got to see Walker for the first time. That was cool.
It's way past time to wind this post up. For those of you that read it all, I salute you. For those of you that skimmed, I don't blame you. Here's a good pic that Dad took to reward you.


Auntie Eisel said...

That was a very fun post! It's like getting to do it all over again!.... or something. :) I'm always too lazy to bother with that many pictures and explaining what they all are and stuff. But I'm glad you did! Thanks for that salute. It was lots of fun to read!

Katie80 said...

Thank you, thank you.
Yes, I read it all. What the heck would you do in a situation like that?
It was fun to see you. Hope you're enjoying the non-stickiness of Pahrump again! :)

Lindsay Ward said...

I finished the post but it took me two seatings. Glad ya'll got to go on two fun trips! Too bad we missed you in Dallas.

Jay said...

After ten long hours and the cardiac arrest, I finished your post. It was quite the eye workout, but I'm alive.

It was good to see you. We should throw the gigantic frisbee some more. I always get a kick out of that. Alright, well I reckon I should do some work, and maybe some homework.

Auntie Eisel said...

I didn't bother to read it this time, but I just love to look at those pictures!

Kayla said...

Did you watch the movie "Sixteen Candles" on your birthday because that would have been appropriate. I read the entire post but towards the end, the words started getting mixed up while I was reading.

CrazyUncle said...

I only had time for one paragraph, so I read one...but it was incredibly short. Nice closing photo because I don't any peoples in it.

By the way, I'll read the rest later. Sometime, you should talk about the Redwoods and the bold and intrepid guide who shared his knowledge with us at each marked information stop.

Brenda Walker said...

I think that you should be most impressed that I made it to the end, given the fact that I am not a reader! I too had a good time in Dallas, but as far as the rest of that goes, I don't know, I wasn't there!