Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Faux Planets, Fictional Planets, and Surprise Visits

Time for my first long post in a while. The reason for the length being that I have a lot to talk about. To begin with, I've just recently found out that everything I know is wrong. Well, maybe not everything, but did You know that there are no longer nine planets???!?! I know, mind boggling. They (whoever they are) have decided that Pluto is no longer a planet! This is a site that Dad gave to me to see them. Ceres and Pluto are good names but that other one is bogus I'm convinced. Anyway, that's the first cool/crazy thing on my list. The second, by my title, is Fictional Planets. Now, Star Trek is not my forte and I know very little about it but we did go to the Star Trek Experience in Las Vegas and it was pretty fun. Anyone who's been anywhere with me will attest to the fact that I have trouble doing new things. Thankfully, I didn't overload and the two rides were actually pretty fun. One was kind of like the Muppet thing at California Adventure but more Borgy and less Gonzoy. You sit in a theater type thing and put on your 3-D glasses and the seats poke to and stuff spits at you to provide the "Fourth Dimension." The other was a simulator ride that took you through areas where plenty people had gone before. It almost made me sick but I was able to ward off the motion sickness. The third and probably greatest thing over shadowed the Star Trek stuff. Two and a half people came to visit: Zachary, Brenda, and Other!!!!!! Yay! I think most of the angles have been covered by Brenda and Lauri's blogs but I had to mention it anyway. We had a whole bunch of fun even though they only stayed for one whole day. It was extraneously fun! Again, I would appreciate your comments on the Faux planets or whatever. Have a good rest of the week!


Brenda Walker said...

I heard that about Pluto too. I guess the baby will grow up with only 8 in our solar system. What are we to do.

Auntie Eisel said...

We are probably to buy the baby those Star Wars costumes that you found. :) That's weird that they decided Pluto is no longer a planet. Too bad. The Star Trek thing was pretty crazy. But Zachar, Brenda and Other being here was GREAT!!! That is, of course, extraneously fun. That's what I meant. :)

Auntie Eisel said...

Ooops, I meant Zachary. But I guess we could nickname him Zachar if we wanted to!

CrazyUncle said...

Star Trek Experience...pretty cool, huh? Did you figure out how they transported you onto the Enterprise? And then, your own Borg, ZKW, showed up. Proof of alien life, don't you think?

Brenda Walker said...

Well, I don't know about those crazy non-planets, but what the heck can you do huh?

The Grandparents said...

Glad you didn't sick on the Star Trek thing! And I'm glad you enjoyed it. Randy keeps saying we should go up there next time we visit you and see it.
We had a great time on our cruise vacation, but are glad to be home. I keep thinking I am know, from being on board ship at sea for over a week. But it was worth it.
Love you! COG