Hello again. I just finished supper at the Alumni Dining Commons and have come back to my room to hang out. I finished classes before lunch and this afternoon I mostly just sat around homeworking. I went to Wal-Mart and that was loads of fun. The moral of that story is: I hate driving in big cities. I think that my time here will make me all the more thankful when I'm a Village Missionary somewhere rural.
My classes are pretty good so far. I have Jesus and the Gospels; English: Composition; and Pentateuch and Former Prophets on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I don't really like English simply because it's all about writing papers but I like the teacher. I don't mind Jesus and the Gospels but the teacher isn't really my favorite. I like both the class and the teacher of Pentateuch and Former Prophets even though it's going to be dang hard because of all the reading and the memorization.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have Introduction to Ministry and Info Systems Essentials. Introduction to ministry is taught by Dr. Dunavant who is the head of the BAT program so that's pretty cool. Info Systems Essentials is taught by a sixty-one year old tall, lanky black guy. He's pretty funny and I think that that course will be profitable.
I did go home this weekend. Whoever says that you won't really miss your family is a liar. I'm glad that I got to do that and spend some time with Katie Ellyn as well. (Hint, hint. Update your blog Katie.) I got some clothes washed and got some stuff to make my room a little more my own.
Here are a few pictures just to spice up the blog a little:
My room upgraded
My hall
Post-Inaugural Inanity
7 years ago
What's with all the papers in the hall? I don't see any pictures of Em yet. I will have to remedy it.
okay, i'm a dork. I missed all those pictures of Emily the first time I looked at your blog. I am glad that she is properly represented.
It was good to see you, too, l'il brudda! Wish you could've stayed a few more days. Thanks for the pictures. I notice there are some rebels who choose to close their doors. :)
I'm relieved to hear you don't mind Jesus. :) And I'm quite glad to see you put up your Mighty Muggs!! They look fabulous. I want to see a picture of your poster. Nice choice for the lamp. I like it! You've got some good pictures in that frame too. And your cactus is pretty sweet. I mean, I played it. Wait, what?
Thanks for coming home! I miss you again now though. You should probably come home again sometime. :) But while you're there, try to have fun!!! And try to invite a girl to go to the movies with you Friday. :) haha
I saw them in concert!! They were totally awesome! My favorite song was "Former Prophets on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays." Wait?! Who am I talking about? Jesus and the Gospels, of course.
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