Friday, August 14, 2009


Greetings recruits. Per the suggestion of one of your peers, I present to you my report as one from the upper echelons of the Forest Guard:
Name: calebawalker
Rank: Captain
Recruits: 40
Green Advertisements Distributed: 10
Family Members Who Are Reading or Have Read the Circle Trilogy: 7
Total Points: 5425
Comments: Technically I only have 38 recruits because one of my eager though less than brilliant participants chose to register thrice under very similar names. You'd think that if you're going to cheat, you might as well do it well. Whatever.

You may be asking, what can I do with this information? Well, the way I figure it, if every one of you that has already signed up gets one other person to read Green, I can have eighty (or seventy-eight) recruits. For those of you with blogs, get some non-family members who read your blogs to sign up! Those of you with friends, tell them to sign up! Those of you with jobs, tell all of your co-workers to sign up! Just imagine what we can do together!

In other news, I'm sorry that Uncle Randy's comic may soon be finished. I suppose you could start a COVwiki and have folks edit the different articles thereby providing you with new plot ideas. Either that or you could feign divine intervention forcing you to cease production of the strip. OR you could make a comic about reading Green. I'm not really sure what the punch line could be, but maybe you could make some strange sort of flashback cartoon in which the protagonists reminisce about the good old time when they first read the Circle trilogy. How you would manage that having not read the books yourself might be slightly more difficult, but I have faith in you.
I'm glad to be up here in Redding again with B, E, J, K, and Z. Lauri and I will just be hanging out for a weekend before we go to school. Emily's still the sweetest little girl ever in case y'all were starting to wonder.
Speaking of school, mine starts on the tenth of September. Should be more fun than a barrel of coasters. I am looking forward to the course material, but not to the returning of the campus. The sacrifices one must make...
By the way, the title of this blog post, as you might have guessed, is Green. Without cheating, can you guess which language it's in?


CrazyUncle said...

Japanese? Hmm, a CoV about a book I have never read. That is quite the challenge. If I can do it, it will extend the strip for another day. Enjoy Redding and no school or homework. Hey, any classes with fun names like JC and the Gospels?

xeraxiah said...

may i interrupt....?

it's in Malay. :D