Monday, November 21, 2005

About time.

Today's lesson is about time. One o'clock is forty-five minutes after twelve fifteen. Remeber that. Meditate on it and get back to me. I haven't written in a while because I really haven't had anything to talk about. And I still don't really but y'all are getting mad at me. I tried to pull ideas from other's blogs. So I shall update you on my tv shows. Um. Hmmm. Yeah, I forgot. I don't watch tv alot these days. In my thought process, I came to the subject of houses. For all some of you know, our house is the newest one you have ever seen. Jobs.... no. Computer degrees.... no. Scrapbook pages and blankets.. DEFINITLY NO. To update all of you on my life, I feel like Jay (yes he has finally updated). I do school. We watch a movie in the evening. Then we go to bed. Today however, Wal-Mart had a new Star Wars action figure display. Commander Gree, yeah, there was like five of him. But I did get a new guy and he was the other one that I wanted. His name is Commander Bly. I also got another guy that does not have a proper name but is known as the Clone Commander. I can't get a picture of him but he is cool too. Some of you may ask why Clones need names anyway because they're are clones. And I have an answer for you: I don't know. If you are bored or curious enough to find out, you'll get extra points.


joshnjay said...

If you ask yourself why clones have names then you must take it to a deeper level. What is a clone? My opinion is that it is something that is made in anothers image. So if that is true then the real question here is why do we all have names? I guess names are the easier of the two options. Names or Numbers. I am not sure we would be able to remember the numbers of all our clone friends with out the names we have.

Katie80 said...

Well, I am a little disappointed that you haven't made any new blankets or scrapbooks yet! Slacker.
Anyway, thanks for updating. I know how it is when you want to write something but there just isn't much going on.
So have you watched any good movies lately? I mean, latley? :)
Last night I tried to watch the new toon on HSR but it wouldn't work. Maybe I'll go try again now.

Kayla said...

It sounds like you have been doing just as much as I have, minus the buying of action figures of course.

Auntie Eisel said...

I'm glad you updated man, glad you updated. Congrats on your new guy. He's um... cool, yeah, cool. :)

I think Jeremy's "point" has a flaw. We are made in God's image, but we aren't exactly like him. If we were, we'd be called God too! As far as I'm concerned, clones are exactly alike, so they should all have the same name I guess.

Do I get extra points now?