I've decided that most people leave comments if someone got a new pair of shoes or of pants or something. I got something new today. No, not a new pair of shoes. But a new Star Wars action figure!! Yeah! I've wanted to get this guy ever since I heard that he became an action figure. This is a picture from him from the movie:
No, he's not the little green guy. His name is Commander Gree. So I go to Wal-Mart and I look for him everytime. We went to Vegas today and went to a Target. I went to the action figure aisle and there was this little kid and his grandpa. He was probably 6 or 7 and he had three Star Wars action figures in his hand. He was like ' Look at all these green guys! I need one more and then I'll be fine.' His grandpa said, ' Are you sure that you want all the same ones?' He said, 'Yeah!'. So I start panicing, really hoping that there would be one left. So I sneaked up and looked on the top rows where this little kid couldn't reach and thankfully found one. There was one left after I got mine so I hid him up high in the back so that some greedy little kid couldn't get his greedy little fingers on it. I mean he called it the 'green guy'!
Well, he obviously has no respect for true collectors such as yourself! Stinkin' kids...
Anyway, I'm glad you were finally able to get the one that you've been wanting!
Who is this green guy? Toad, or maybe Moss Man. I don't know much about those green swamp thing movies but the fact that you robbed some young boy from happiness is rather troubling. You got your green monster and would not let the poor boy have the one thing that would make his day. I hope you are proud of yourself. Anyway did you go to burger king and get a green guy watch? I saw a commercial for them the other day and thought of you. Josh n Jays Daddy
I think it was wise of you to hide the last one. I mean, the kid already had others of the same guy!! So really, you would be robbing the joy of an older, more distinguished "Star Wars Action Figure Collector" who didn't already have one, by letting some spoiled punk kid have it. Bravo.
Is this the dude you've been looking for every time we went to Wal-Mart?
Heck yes it is.
Maybe those guys knew that he was originally called Commander Green, but someone misstyped it and dropped the final 'n'. Or maybe not.
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