What sort of minerals actually make water taste better? Actamite? Atheneite? Diamond? Jerrygibbsite? I think that I'd like my water fortified with diamond. Maybe it would taste more expensive.
Well, I'm back at school after a fun break at home with the family, both nuclear and atomic, and have already had my first quiz, first chapel, first virus, first chapter themes assigned, first fever, and first papers that I'm supposed to write. It hasn't been too bad, all things considered. Dad was going to be at home alone on Friday evening so I went home to hang out with him. Then on Saturday I had a 101.5 degree fever and laid around all day. Good times.
School isn't going too bad I guess. I'm taking tennis this semester. It's been good (aside from the fact that I stink) except that I had to go buy some of those dumb tennis pants. I thought about buying some bright orange ones and letting them double for church slacks, but then I settled on the navy blue ones.
Right now Modeste is taking a nap which strikes me as somewhat odd. I guess the brilliant logic of sleeping in the day so you have more time to do stuff at night that categorizes almost everyone here is beyond my simple understanding. It seems to me that he could have waited a few hours and then gone to bed for real and not had to worry about napping, but what do I know.
I've decided to put some Christmas holiday pictures that may not have made it up on anyone else's blog but needed to be shown. There are a few that I really would have liked to put on here, but for the sake of those in said photographs, I refrained. I hope that you enjoy these ones.
Post-Inaugural Inanity
7 years ago
Maybe some day you will be able to understand the logic. Until then we will try to be understanding for you. :) Good pictures. If I didn't think the olives were so gross looking I would probably like that first one even more. Her smile is great. And the piles of books are pretty fantastic too. :)
Emily is looking at that light saber awfully funny. I am guessing she doesn't know what the heck it is. I guess you need to come around more so you can teach her those important things. You know I won't
Oh, those are olives!
Anyway, my favorite is your mother taking that x-ray of Emily's right molar. I did not know she was a trained radiologist and dental hygienist.
Your Christmas pictures really seem to tell the story from your point of view. Amazing.
The olives were hilarious until she stuffed most of them in her mouth at the same time. Eew.
Anyway, I like naps. But I am also a fan of early bed times. Eh. What do I know?
Dude, where's the topping to dad's mask? That was the best part! Good times.
And I like naps too. They're the greatest!
First answer. Assuming you consider Hailey and Courtney to be sentient friends of Emily. :)
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