It appears that I am now back at school. If you've talked to me about this year of school and believe you know all that I'm about to say, you're misinformed. Most of everything I've told you is incorrect. I am not rooming with one of my fellow classmates from last year. I am not in a studio apartment with just one other guy.
All of my thoughts were incorrect and not due to anything the school did or did not do. I simply didn't pay attention to the email confirmation that I received that told me that I would be in Lancer Arms instead of University Place. Anyway, I am in Lancer Arms 232 with four other guys: Ryan (a Christian Studies major), Randy (Ryan's brother and an English major), Matt (a volleyball player/business major), and Tim (a German exchange student who's not here yet.) I'm sharing a room with Matt and Tim and I'm hoping to take a video of the place when my roommates are gone. I'll then attempt to put it on my blog for anyone who cares.
Classes start on Thursday and until then I suppose I'll listen to my new David Crowder cds, visit with my sister who returns tomorrow from her new student retreat, and read The Hobbit.
In Ted Dekker news, I did get Green and have already read it and the Circle Series. I won't give any reviews here since some of you are unaware of the story, but I will tell you that if you go here then you can download a free copy of Black in e-book format. If that doesn't suit your fancy, you can also get the audiobook free from iTunes. Either way, I would highly recommend downloading the e-book and putting 7445 in the blank. It doesn't count as a recruit, but I do get 100 points a pop.
I would say that I'll be posting again soon, but I'm not sure when you'll hear from me next, either way: Elyon's Strength.
We're praying for a great school year.
Elyon's Strength!
OK, I gave 100 points for your Pop, although I don't know what he will do with it.
Hey, Lancer Arms sounds like the kinds of weapons they would carry in the Circle series, doesn't it? Do you have a chance to move into Bayoneter Legs next year?
I was going to comment on this earlier, but I woke up in another land and could not figure out what to do. Luckily, I always fall asleep by 10am, so I woke up back here.
I do not have any David Crowder, but I did pick up The Monkees Greatest Hits on sale. Yeah!
Well, I gotta go to the store. Ebenezer's Scrooge.
Hey, I did read this. :) I'm kinda late but at least I saw it. I'm a little sad I didn't get more of a mention in this post. But I suppose it's acceptable since I hadn't gotten back yet so you hadn't done much with me. But NOW.... You should post about how much you like hanging out with me since I'm here this year. :) And you also have to inform everyone that your apartment mates changed again.
Thank you very much
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